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MY PROFILE !! edit  FIRE  + others . he + ly/lycan + neo/neos + flare/flares . mentally ill writer extraordinaire .status extracting ichor , as usual .

Playing ▷ machine love - jamie paige ıllı 1:44——•—— 3:36

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Videos Battle For Dream Island, Inanimate Insanity, ONE, The Promised Neverland, [...]
Games Puyo Puyo Tetris, Dandy's World, Pokémon, Friday Night Funkin + mods, Persona 5, [...]
Other Nonbinary transmasc, nonhuman, bisexual, arospec. Polyamorous. Taken x 6. Adult.
 BYF !!  I am a werewolf, an angel, a ghost and a robot, though you can just call me a shapeshifter. I am almost always being teasing and lighthearted in conversation. I have a lot of identities. I use tone tags. I ramble.
 DNI !!  TERFs/radfems. Say 'kill all men.' Think fictive-heavy systems are fake. Make a lot of KYS/KMS jokes. Anti-any of my comforts. Try to reality check/fakeclaim.

- Your American Werewolf